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Rabbit Lead and Harness

Bunny-approved walkies

Are you in the market for a Rabbit Lead and Harness? Well, you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a huge range at the best prices.

Check out the video below of our range

A rabbit harness is a device that is used to restrain a pet rabbit and prevent it from running away or getting into trouble while outside. The rabbit harness typically includes a strap or leash attached around the chest or waist of the rabbit. It also has a handle or loop for the owner to hold onto.

There are several different types of rabbit harnesses available, including those made from nylon, leather, or even cotton. The choice of material will depend on the owner’s preference and the rabbit’s comfort level.

Rabbit Lead and Harness

Rabbit lead and Harness 1
Rabbit lead and Harness 2
Rabbit lead and Harness 3

When selecting a harness for a rabbit, it’s important to choose one that fits properly. If the harness is too tight, it can restrict the rabbit’s movement and cause discomfort. On the other hand, if it’s too loose, it can slip off or allow the rabbit to escape.

It’s also important to introduce the harness gradually to the rabbit, allowing them time to become accustomed to wearing it. To acclimate a rabbit to a harness, start by letting them wear it for short periods of time. Gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable with it.

Using a harness to walk a rabbit outside can provide both exercise and mental stimulation, but it’s important to take certain precautions. Always supervise the rabbit while outside and avoid areas where there may be predators or other dangers.

To make owning your Rabbit easier, drop into the store for everything you need including – tunnels and hides or bowls and feeders.