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Guinea Pig Cages and Hutches

Luxury pad for your furry diva

Are you in the market for a Guinea Pig cage or hutch? Well, you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a huge range at the best prices.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range.

Guinea pigs are cute and cuddly pets that require a comfortable and spacious living environment to thrive. One of the most important factors to consider when getting a guinea pig is their housing needs. A suitable cage or hutch will provide them with a safe and comfortable place to live and play.

When choosing a cage, size is crucial. Guinea pigs need plenty of space to move around, play and exercise. A hutch that is too small can lead to health problems and behaviour issues. The minimum recommended size for a single guinea pig is 2.3 square metres, but larger is always better. For two, the cage should be at least 3.2 square metres. Make sure to measure the space where you plan to keep the cage to ensure it will fit comfortably.

Guinea Pig Cages and Hutches

Guinea Pigs Cages and Hutches 1
Guinea Pigs Cages and Hutches 2
Guinea Pigs Cages and Hutches 3

The type of cage or hutch is important. A wire cage with a plastic base is a popular option, but it’s important to make sure the spacing between the wires is appropriate to prevent them from getting stuck. A solid-bottomed cage is another option that can help prevent injuries to your pet’s feet. It’s also important to consider the height of the cage. Guinea pigs are not great climbers, so a tall cage may not provide much additional space.

In addition to size and type, there are other features to consider when choosing a cage. A secure latch is essential to prevent your pet from escaping. A removable base can make cleaning the cage much easier and multiple levels or hiding places provide enrichment for your guinea pig and help prevent boredom. It’s also important to provide your guinea pig with plenty of fresh hay, water and a hiding places such as a cosy tunnel or igloo.

For all your pet Guinea pig needs such as bedding or litter and food drop into the store today.