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Paw-some Retreat

Are you shopping for a Kennels for you Dog? Well, you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a great variety at the best prices.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range.‌

A kennel is a structure or shelter for your Dog, typically made of wood, metal or plastic, and can be either indoor or outdoor. It can also refer to a boarding facility for dogs to stay when you are away. We are here though, for the first type of kennel and have lots to choose from.

Types of Kennels Available


The size of a kennel can vary, but it should be big enough for the dog to stand, turn around and lie down comfortably. For outdoors, it should have a roof to provide shade and protection from the weather and indoors can be in the form of a crate or a cage. You should also consider a fence around the kennel if you want them to stick to one particular aream

They can be beneficial for dogs as it provides a safe and secure place for them to stay. It can also help in training and maintaining good behaviour. Dogs are social animals and need time with the family, however they also need their own time. A kennel is where they can get “me time”, relax and sleep. It is also important to remember to give them inside/outside time and never use it as a form of punishment. 

We stock a many items to compliment whatever you choose for your Dogs space, such as beds, bowls and a favourite toys.  Visit us today and find the perfect match for your pooch.