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Dog Toys

Dog toys provide hours of fun for your dog or puppy

Are you in the market for dog toys, well you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a huge range of toys for dogs at the best prices, check out our video below.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range available in store and online.

Walking your dog may not be enough to contain your pet’s energetic nature. To keep his destructive habits in check and encourage more playful times, you can rely on the ones that are durable and high-quality.

Toys are a variety of items such as dog bones, balls, discs, plush toys, sticks and tug toys. They are made specifically for dogs to interact with, have fun and divert their energy into.

Getting your beloved pet some toys can be so rewarding. There are many ways you and your canine companion can benefit from it. They can make you consider them a necessity rather than a luxury.

Toys effectively reduce periods of boredom. Dogs happily engage with toys and instead of letting them turn to destructive behaviour. Throwing them some toys can provide them with healthy physical and mental stimulation.

Dog Toys


Toys even give a sense of companionship or comfort for when your dog is alone or when you’re not around to spend time with him. Like a security blanket.

Most can be used for your pet’s exercise and behaviour training. Bonding with your puppy is so much fun and easy when he’s exposed to different toys he can emotionally connect with. 

They come in numerous forms, shapes and sizes and finding the one that matches your pooch may require a bit of trial and error. Often, your dog shows that he enjoys his toy, or he wants something else.

Dogs can get bored easily and more of it should be made available for them. He may eventually stick to his comfort toy after a while. 

Luckily, you have so many options in-store and on the site. Explore them and give your pet dog all the great benefits that come with these toys.