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Dog Food

Serving your mate with premium dog food helps maintain good health and proper nutrition

For the best of health, feed your mate premium dog food

Are you in the market for premium dog food, well you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a wide variety at the best prices.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range.

The food you give your dog has a significant impact on their well-being. Since they don’t get to choose what they’ll have during mealtimes, it’s your important responsibility providing him with the best foods.  Ensuring the food he would enjoy, as well as a good source of balanced nutrition. 

Dogs are not pure carnivores like cats so while meat takes a large part of their diet, they also obtain nutrients from occasional fruits, grains and vegetables. Non-meat foods can supply them with fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

The popular meat choices for dogs include beef, lamb and kangaroo while other types that also work well are fish and poultry meats. Fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, strawberries, carrots, broccoli, & green beans are some of the best ones. Grains like millet, oats and barley also make good pet foods.

It can be any type of food specifically prepared or formulated for the consumption of your canine buddy. Pet owners are presented with an overwhelming array of options when it comes to food. So picking the right food is often a great challenge for the owner.

In finding the best dog food for your furry friend, make sure they are high quality and specially formulated for your dog.

Dog Food


Most commercially available foods for your pet dog are formulated to meet at least their minimum nutritional needs. Given the individual differences of dogs in terms of age, weight and other health-related conditions, you should consult a vet if you are unsure that the food you’re looking at is suitable.

We have the best quality brands that provide premium pet foods for your precious pet. Please check out our wide selection and give your pet the best tasting and nutritious food that can get him excited each day.