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Cat Scratching Posts

Satisfy Your Cat’s Natural Instinct to Wear Down Their Claws

Are you in the market for a Cat Scratching Post, well you’ve found the best place. Well you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a wide variety at the best prices.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range.

Cats love to scratch and this behavior is good for their health and providing a cat scratching post is a great idea.

Your beloved feline has a habit of scratching, it’s natural to her. If you can let her do it more often, she gets more exercise and stimulation which contributes to her overall health.

If you’re thinking about buying one but are still undecided, here are just some of the benefits of a scratching post for your feline friend.

A scratching post can keep your feline entertained for hours. It can keep your cat engaged in her scratching activity and enjoy it for a long time. As well as it will help them express their emotions when they are scratching.

Here are some examples of cat scratching posts available in store


It can help keep their claws in good shape and when scratching, the movement helps her get rid of the dead part of her nails.

Moreover, it keeps her active and lets her stretch her muscles. Apart from being a great form of exercise, scratching a pole helps her reduce stress.

For you as the cat owner, a scratching post gives them an outlet other than your home and furniture surfaces.

Scratching posts come in different forms and construction and have different features such as beds and platforms at varying heights so she can choose her comfort zone.

When you provide all of the elements of wellbeing for your cat such as good quality Cat food, a comfortable bed and toys for entertainment, she is sure to lead and happy and healthy life. We stock them all.