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Cat Collars

Not Just A Piece of Bling

Are you in the market for Cat Collars? Well you’ve found the best place. We are Petco Direct and stock a wide variety at the best prices.

Check out the video below for a quick look at our range.

Training your cat to wear a collar can be very beneficial for you and your pet. As simple as it may look, a cat collar is not just that piece of material put around your cat’s neck. It comes with a lot of important uses.

You can give your cat her own unique look by giving her a collar and make her best features pop. When it comes to giving your pet a sense of style, a nice, matching collar can do wonders. Decorated types with sparkle or more simple types for the no-fuss moggy are available.

Collars can be used for identification of pets. You can be more confident with your pet going outside if she is wearing one with ID. Personalised collars can help you easily identify your cat from other similar cats in case she goes missing. Making it easier to return her to you.

Feline Fashionista


Cat collars can also be used for your pet’s protection, restraint and to send warning to prey. There are reflective types that glow when exposed to light such as car headlights. These enable drivers to easily see your cat and Flea collars aim to stop flea infestation. Also a great invention, magnetic ones work with a partner cat flap to ensure that yours is the only furry in the house.

Safety or breakaway collars counter the risks of strangulation if they become snagged on something like the branch of a tree. These collars break when enough pressure is applied, thereby minimizing the chance of choking. People regard them as the best type to use.

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